
Benchmark your business financials against peers & competitors

Through our work with Australian practices, we gather significant amounts of data about their businesses. We learn about their staffing and client numbers, activity levels, major areas of expense, revenue, profitability and so on. We have consolidated this data to develop a unique and dynamic dataset that delivers a snapshot of ‘how practices are performing’ at any point in time.

Our innovative Benchmarker tool gives you direct access this dataset and enables you to compare your business against key metrics. With a focus on the financials, it is factual and objective in nature.

Our tool is accessible on any web-enabled device, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It will take less than five minutes to complete, with your individual results available immediately. Of course, your details remain totally confidential.


You will immediately receive comparative ratios that are relevant to your business. Further, you will be able to input multiple ‘what if’ scenarios during the course of the 12-month license period – without any restriction on usage.


Benchmarking your business will enable you to ascertain current best practice and how your business compares to peers. Armed with this objective, independent assessment, you will have the perfect platform to develop meaningful plans for your business going forward.

To purchase a 12-month subscription for your business, contact us on 02 9518 6966 or or BH Contact Form.  RRP $550 inc. gst. We have pre-arranged preferential pricing with a number of licensees and alliances, so please contact us for pricing.