Strategic Consulting & Analysis

An objective viewpoint

Leverage the skills and experience of the principals of Business Health. We’ve worked for many years providing business and practice management solutions to the financial advice industry from large AFS licensees to small business owners.

What will you receive?

Together with the information we are continually gaining from our various clients both in Australia and internationally, we are uniquely placed to provide informed and insightful consulting services. Perhaps the best example of our capability is the production of our Future Ready whitepaper series and industry reports.

Why go to the effort?

By using our services you will benefit from the perspective we have developed from a multitude of experiences gained in different countries and across different business models – a valuable piece in the strategic planning of your organisation.

>>For advisers

>>For licensees

>>For manufacturers

>>Contact us


Head office:

PH +61 2 9518 6966
ABN 32 095 039 277